“Edible Landscaping” revolutionizes the notion of gardening, proving that aesthetic appeal and practicality can coexist beautifully in your backyard. Imagine harvesting your own fresh fruits and vegetables, transforming your garden into a bounty of edible delights. This concept isn’t just a trend but a sustainable approach to gardening, inviting you to rethink how landscapes can be both beautiful and bountiful. From the planning phase to harvest, discover how to create a garden that feeds both the soul and the stomach.

First is an edible landscape attractive? The traditional landscape is attractive, and it can also reflect an edible landscape. The edible land has the colorful fruits and also the foliage of many edibles. The edible landscaping is simply put, and replaced in plants that are keenly ornamental with the plants and that produce food. Many fruits might also blend easily in the landscape thus functioning in many more ways as trees shadows and coloring flowers as well as edibles (Philips, 2013). The smaller plants with fruits can be replaced with the shrubby and the herbs making nice covers on ground. Nevertheless, the edibles such as vegetables and seasonal herbs planted and then harvested from time to time are probably planted in the garden and solely devoted to the production. This will then allow people to cultivate and soil with no disturbing permanent planting.

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On the other hand, how can someone design and also manage the edible landscape? Most of the healthy plants require sunshine and the soils that are well drained. For instance, the edible plants e.g. the ornamentals need to maintain. The reduction of the maintenance costs by the plant is reduced by planting the right plant at the right place. In other words, someone should ensure that plants are growing on your yard location. When a person wants to plant vegetables, he or she must also consider the planting season as well for they can be planted on specific times on in the year. All the plants need to be pruning, applying fertilizer, water, and monitoring of the pest problems. Furthermore, one should also ensure that the plants are given selected pesticides and the fertilizers which are compatible and safe on a plant that is to be consumed. When harvesting “fruits of your labor” is rewarding. Just think of the benefits of farmers market in your front or back yard.

Last, what are the benefits of landscaping your yard with fruits and vegetables? There are six benefits of turning your lawn into a “Garden of Eden” with a “Farmer’s Market Twist”. First, improved taste and nutrition of food and plants will always begin to breakdown immediately they are picked. When there is maximum consumption and harvest, the vitamins and mineral with other nutrients will be lost (Creasy, 2010). Produce at the supermarket is always harvested in many days, and before they are sold. In Most occasions, they are picked before being ripe, which allows less nutrient accumulation. This will then results in a blah tasting fruits or vegetables at the supermarket. Growing your own can result in the best food that tests sweet. You might even find fruits you never liked actually taste great because you experienced ripe. You will have a hard time going back to supermarket produce once you have grown your own. There is absolutely no comparison.

Speaking of Mexico brings up the third benefit, reducing the dependence on the foreign foods and sources that have the unknown production of the systems. At least in the U.S., our food has to meet U.S.D.A. standards. The fourth benefit reduced food costs. The produce you grow at home saves you dollars spent at the grocery store for the same produce. The investment returns might be important, mostly the plants which produce the year after years. The typical suburban yard is always enough in saving hundreds of dollars a year on produce.

The fifth benefit is convenience, fun and exercise. Just imagine the fun in the sun and digging in the dirt like when you were young. Use the edible landscape project spending time with family and take off from a long work day or work week. Get back to your roots and grow. The final benefit is “You are what you eat”, so join the edible landscape movement. For more information on edible landscapes, you can ask your local Agriculture Science teacher, County Extension Agent, or go to ww.bettterhomesandgardens.com.

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