St. Louis Cyber Task Force
With the advent of information technology, cyber crime is now a painful reality in the society. Many cases of this type of crime abound in the communities.
Wong Kar-Wai Films
This research will focus on Wong Kar-wai films, Fallen Angels, In the Mood for Love, and Happy Together. In In the Mood for Love, there are two Chinese citizens from Hong Kong who have a love affair.
Internship Report Sample
I had my internship in Domees company. It is a local Saudi Arabian company that operates in retail sector. It specializes in different makeup products and accessories for women.
Giorgio Armani’s Brand
Armani is a legendary company, which succeeded in bringing luxurious clothes to an audience willing to enjoy the benefits of elegance and classic fashion in ones personal wardrobe. Giorgio Armani was able to turn his company into a globally recognized brand. A brief brand analysis shows that Armani works on bringing the most unusual designing decisions to the consumer with an emphasis on the exclusiveness of every piece in the collection.
The House on Mango Street Using Gloria Anzualduas Border Theory of Womens Life in the Borderland
The House on Mango Street Using Gloria Anzualduas Border Theory of Womens Life in the Borderland The book The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros encompasses various short stories. These stories can be analyzed using Gloria Anzualduas border theory of womens life in the borderland.
Anatomy and Physiology in the Works of Kiki Smith
Artists often draw inspiration from science. In particular, anatomy provided a ground for artistic experiments of famous creators from Leonardo Da Vinci to Damien Hirst. As the human body has always been a measure with which people see the world, artists have examined it trying to learn how it works. TH 7 Artists often draw inspiration from science.
Coldplay Band
The versatility of modern art ideas and forms is striking. Whether musicians or artists or actors, all of them have their own convictions as well as a strong desire to convey the notions they believe to be important for people. Each of them craves to express his or her personal understanding of the world by means of their talent.
The Pamela G. Reed’s Theory of Self Transcendence
A famous American scholar, Professor and Associate Dean at the University of Arizona, College of Nursing, Pamela G. Reed (PhD, RN, FAAN) has developed the middle range theory of self-transcendence. This theory plays a very significant role in the modern national medical science to provide an understanding about enhancing well-being for any person in a life situation where there is an increase in the awareness of vulnerability and mortality (Fitzpatrick & Wallace, 2006, p.
Importance of Planning in Global Transportation
Global transportation and trade are intertwined such that factors affecting trade are likely to affect global transportation. The relationship between trade and global transportation emanates from the fact that global transportation involves moving trade commodities across various destinations.
Immigration in United Satates
Immigration is triggered by issues such as a search for better economic and social conditions, political unrest, disaste…
Community Based Tourism
Over the last three decades, community based tourism (CBT) has been promoted as a tourism product development, where all…
Reflection of Salsa Dance
A dance is a great and influential form of self-expression without using words. Various types of emotions can be relayed through dancing.