Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin by Cornelius Plantinga
The book Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin by Cornelius Plantinga delves into the intricacies and discernments of sin and its impact on human beings through the presentation of its dynamics and nature.
The Journey of the Magi Poem Analysis
T. S. Eliots poem The Journey of the Magiis a religious poem that recounts a classic story of the journey of three wise men from East to Jerusalem to bring gifts to the newborn Jesus.
Remarkable Woman in the the Sophocles’s tragedy
Women play an important role in everything that happens in the world, in each area of life. Many famous women have left their mark in history, in the destinies of people as well as entire generations. Sometimes, their actions cannot be explained by the general human psychology because they are guided by some mysterious and unexplained force.
Analysis of “What you Pawn, I Will Redeem”
Nowadays, when life becomes more and more hectic each day, many people focus only on their own problems. It is much easier to ignore so-called social outcasts rather than try to understand them and help. It is not complicated to be judgmental and just point a finger at such individual who does not fit into our society or our moral standards.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez’S Collected Stories
The Evolution of Gabriel Garcia Marquezs Writing Style Best known for his Nobel prize-winning One Hundred Years of Solitude and several other major novels, Gabriel Garcia Marquez has, in fact, produced an extensive oeuvre that consists of journalistic pieces and short stories in addition to full-length novels.
The Comparison and Contrast of Wyatt Earp in the Movies Tombstone and Wyatt Earp
One cannot deny the fact that people have always needed heroes. Sometimes, however, they glorified those who did not deserve it. The Frontier was full of adventurers, gunfighters, cowboys, and people who were in search for better life.
Critique of the article: “Two Cheers for Sweatshops”
History proves that human communities have always included people who seek to enslave other individuals. In the antiquity and the Middle Ages, the brutally defeated tribes and entire nations became slaves to the victors. Despite the change of epochs, slavery remains hiddenly inherent in the society.
Marxism in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen is a literary work that teaches the readers to be focused on something more than money, but it also has a historical value because of representing typical Marxist ideas. Written in 1879, Ibsens play is often compared to a time machine that returns the readers back to the Victorian period in order to show what society back then looked like (Sturman 128).
Child Labor in “The Storming Heaven”
“The Storming Heaven” is a novel by Denise Giardina the events of which rotate around the hard labor and the conflict of management in an Appalachian country whose economic practice was entirely mining.
The Comparison of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Bells” with Wordsworth’s “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”
In the “Preface to the Lyrical Ballads”, William Wordsworth has revolts against the poetic principles of the eighteenth century suggesting that life of a poor person acts as a material fit for the poetry.
Analysis of My Son the Man by Sharon Olds
The poem My Son the Man was written by Sharon Olds and basically talks about the fear and sadness that comes to a mother whose son is growing to a man.