The term “senior citizens” connotes more than just age; it embodies a lifetime of experience, wisdom, and resilience. In societies where the elderly are often sidelined, there’s an imperative to reframe our perspective, recognizing the invaluable contributions senior citizens make. Far from being mere relics of the past, they are active, engaged members of the community, offering insights that bridge generations. This discussion challenges prevailing notions, advocating for a more inclusive view that celebrates the diverse roles seniors play in enriching our social fabric.

Old age was considered a minor issue in the society in the past especially when in this case an extended family is involved. In these families, the old aged would be taken care of by the clan and relatives. Today things have changed due to the different general livelihood constraints. The US society has the responsibility to take care of the seniors in one way or the other. They took care of the young generation while still strong and when their turns come to be looked after because of the kind of loose their full energy and need to be taken care of (Kobylarek, 2012). Some of the responsibilities are; making policies in institutions that consider the senior citizens, creating awareness in families, churches and society on their responsibility to care for the elderly. Identify and establish associations that look into issues concerning the elderly, for example, the Fellowship and Local Transformation Units and in the units they should train and equip assistant coordinators and facilitators (Achenbaum, 2008). The commercial enterprises should be willing to offer discounts to senior citizens. The society should also nature senior citizens by promoting and guaranteeing opportunities for old generation to participate in actively social, political and economic and cultural life, sensitizing the aged on legacy, property ownership and reassign of inheritance of what they own (Burger, 2011). In the past century, the US has created numerous medical advances which have increased life expectancy, leading to improved health practices which allow the elderly to enjoy longer. There are several bodies used to make all the responsibilities to be fulfilled, for example, the Interchristian fellowships’ evangelical mission, the ministry of social affairs, ministry of employment, ministry of solidarity and social cohesion and many others.

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On the other end of the spectrum, the senior citizens are also responsible for their societies. The elderly are seen as agents of development and social justice (Achenbaum, 2008). They are can be active leaders as exemplified like Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama of Tibet who at age of 70 ruled post-apartheid South Africa. Another example is Warren Buffet who is acknowledged as one of the richest men in the world. The senior citizens are the most achievers in the world. They have more knowledge and, therefore, they should always be at hand to offer advice and help in any way (Harbert & Ginsberg, 1990). As a result of most life experience, the senior citizen should guide the youngsters who seem to go astray and be god examples to the younger generation. The senior citizens are the role model of the family and society as a whole. The senior citizens give charity, talent, knowledge, love and compassion to the society. Charity giving from the elderly not only gives back to society help the less fortunate, but it also conferes to the donator an incredible sense of contentment and cheerfulness.

In conclusion, both the senior citizens and society have a role to take care of each other because in the long-run, they both need each other. The US should consider what good the senior can do for the society rather than the bad.

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