Emirates Airlines champions a unique approach to managing workforce discipline, emphasizing prevention and comprehensive training. The airline’s culture prioritizes resolving disciplinary issues in a manner that safeguards the organization’s integrity while addressing the root causes—often pinpointed as a lack of foundational training among employees. A systematic chart guides the disciplinary process, ensuring fairness and clarity every step of the way.

Current disciplinary policies and disciplinary procedures

The following chart depicts the disciplinary code procedure at Emirates Airlines as compiled by the human resources department.

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Fig 1: disciplinary procedure chart

The first step is establishing the performance if the person showed the required level of competence. The assigned supervisor, self/colleague evaluation, and performance appraisal or any other means that are deemed relevant by the human resources management department conduct this through monitoring performance (Al-Romaithi, 2006). This step is followed by determination of the performance gap by evaluating how a person ought to behave while working at Emirates Airlines. Determination of the lacking skills and the need for improvements by employees at Emirates Airlines are conducted at this point. A procedure for instilling relevant skills is also done at this stage.

The employee is supposed to explain to the human resource manager the cause of the performance gap. Genuine reasons that can be considered by the human resource department include job specification, insufficient skills and knowledge, lack of desire or motivation, and usual resistance. If the disciplinary issue was caused by hard skills or knowledge due to changing duties or incorrect placement, then an appropriate step is chosen to develop the needed skills. If the issue was triggered by lack of motivation or desire, lack of authority, lack of necessary tools from the human resources department, then appropriate steps are taken to implement the soft skills required such as time and stress management, assertiveness, accountability, and general confidence at work.

At Emirates Airlines, the human resource manager has the responsibility of ensuring that the disciplinary actions do not continue or take a course without the needed employee developments that are deemed as a necessary intervention plans apart from training. Such include coaching, demonstration and job shadowing. These are availed to the employees using short courses through the administration of the human resources department.

Improved disciplinary policies and disciplinary procedures

In an airlines environment such as Emirates, it is prudent to have all the stakeholders engaged in the process of controlling the conduct of the workforce members. Such contribution and regulation ensures that there is order and coherency at work in all departments. It also ensures that the work of the human resources department is made easier in terms of setting the basic workflow at Emirates Airlines (Mathis & Jackson, 2003). It is also critical for the human resource management at Emirates Airlines to determine the rules and regulations that define the interaction between the employees and the company in regards to enforcement of disciplinary actions and procedures. The chart below shows the improved disciplinary policies and procedures.

Fig 2: improved disciplinary policies and disciplinary procedures

The code of behavior should be based on certain principles that are stipulated below:

The human resources management at Emirates Airlines should have the full mandate of enforcing a disciplinary action against the workers who execute their assigned duties in a form that is against the interests of the company. These are the actions that violate the strategic mission and objectives of Emirates Airlines.

The procedures and the suggested code should recognize the importance of giving the concerned worker a fair judgment and hearing. Human resource manager should be leading in safeguarding the rights of the employee to ensure that he is not shortchanged at the determination stage. Emirates Airlines human resources management should also ensure that the issued disciplinary actions are applicable and actionable.

The human resource management should also understand that the main aim of any disciplinary procedure at Emirates Airlines is meant to prevent the company from experiencing preventable losses. The procedures are also meant to safeguard rights of the company employees.

The code of procedures used should be meant to provide guidelines and necessary interpretation that are sufficiently flexible to be applied in all departments at Emirates Airlines. Procedures should be flexible to the point of being applied in all circumstances that arise at the company.

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The main objective of disciplinary code and procedure at Emirates Airlines is to control discipline at the workplace by ensuring that the key principles are adhered to by both the employee and the employer. It also ensures that all stakeholders in the company treat each other with the utmost respect (Namaki, 2008). The code of principles ensures that the premium is placed on the employment justice at Emirates Airlines and that the efficient operations of the company are carried out in accordance with the expectations of the company. The procedures also seek to protect the employees from the arbitrary actions. Emirates Airlines, through the department of human resources management, is entitled to conduct satisfactory appraisal of the employee and to ensure that disciplinary actions taken are in line with work performance levels.

Justification for improved disciplinary policies and disciplinary procedures

Discipline can be applied in many provisions at work about the human resources department at Emirates Airlines. It is, therefore, important to note that any deviation from the expected norms and behaviors of the company by the employees can result to a disciplinary action either implicitly or explicitly. Enshrined in the code of procedures for disciplinary actions should be a schedule for progressive and corrective disciplinary steps. These should act as a guideline to the human resources management department when issuing disciplinary action at Emirates Airlines. The improved disciplinary policies and procedures are based on the following critical principles.

The first principle is that Emirates Airlines has the responsibility and right to control and manage its business as well as direct the employees in carrying out any pertinent task related to that.

Emirates Airlines has the right to carry out control measures and rules that enhance the level of workers performance and control instances that demand disciplinary actions from the human resources department.

Any actions taken by the human resources department at Emirates Airlines should be in line with the code of good practice as spelt out in the disciplinary actions procedure described in the chart above.

The employees at Emirates Airlines retain the right to represent a colleague at all the stages for the disciplinary procedure. This must be in accordance with the spelt out rules to ensure that all workers are responsible and regulations abiding.

The most important task of any disciplinary action is to try and correct the behavior of the employee as opposed to terminate the services or the term of the employee at Emirates Airlines. Other disciplinary actions should only be taken if it is deemed necessary and critical to terminate the contract due to the seriousness of the nature of the committed act.

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At Emirates Airlines no action should be termed and viewed in isolation about the impact it has caused to the organization. Any disciplinary action must be taken regardless of the status of an employee in the organization.

The improved disciplinary policies are based on the procedures highlighted below:

Most of the regulation and rules at Emirates Airlines are well stipulated in a way that does not require anyone to explicitly communicate them to the employees when delivering a disciplinary action.

The human resources manager should guide and inform the employees on the process followed when executing disciplinary actions before a particular problem is termed as a disciplinary issue. This kind of information and guidance is viewed important at Emirates Airlines and should not in any way be seen as an excuse to the formal and recognized disciplinary actions to the employees. In fact, it should be viewed as a normal and routine duty of the human resources department and as a way of delivering services to the employees.

It is worthwhile to apply the disciplinary procedures every time a trivial regulation or policy is not adhered to by a particular employee at Emirates Airlines (O’Connell, 2006). This ensures that that most of the actions that do not meet the threshold for disciplinary action by the human resources manager are not forwarded to the action without consideration. The human resources manager should opt for delivering informal advice as well as correction to the employee as the most suitable form or correction so as to avoid time-consuming procedural steps that are not meaningful to Emirates Airlines. Trivial violations at work should, on the other hand, be treated with utmost caution.


If a violation of the set rules and regulations is committed, the degree of action should be decided using the seriousness of the action. Respective disciplinary action should then be taken to correct the employee. A short dismissal can be used as a warning method for cases that are not severe. It is the seriousness of the committed action that should determine the kind of actions to be taken. Warnings at Emirates Airlines can be issued using different means such as verbal warnings, written warnings, and final written warnings. After a final written warning, the human resources manager at Emirates Airlines should issue a dismissal letter to the concerned employee.

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